How to Invest in Property Through Peer-to-Peer Lending

Unlock Higher Returns with Peer to Peer Lending

Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending is revolutionising the investment landscape, offering returns significantly higher than traditional high street lenders. Investors can now enjoy returns of up to 12% pa* with Sourced Capital, compared to the modest 1-2% from high street banks.

Why P2P Lending is Ideal for Property Investment

P2P finance is particularly advantageous for property investments, providing mutual benefits for both investors and developers. Investors receive their capital plus interest at the end of a project, while developers secure the necessary funds to bring their projects to life.

How investors can benefit from Peer to Peer Lending

Properties have already been sourced so all the investor has to do is provide the cash
• The returns are far higher than anything the high street can offer
• The investment itself is hands-off
• Property is a secured asset so that if, in the unlikely scenario anything went wrong, an investor would still receive the money they had invested
• The Peer to Peer Lending process is extremely transparent i.e. an investor knows who is benefiting from the money he or she has put in
• A financial deal (or transaction) is conducted far quicker and smoother via Peer to Peer Lending than by traditional means
• Most Peer to Peer platforms use algorithms to offer investors bespoke deals of particular interest
• Peer to Peer Lending encourages portfolio diversification investors can invest in various different deals rather than ploughing a huge sum of money ‘into the one basket.

Pros of Peer to Peer Lending

All legitimate Peer 2 Peer Lending platforms are regulated by the Peer 2 Peer Financial Association (P2PFA)
• Credit checks must legally be carried out on all companies who receive funding
• Peer to Peer Lending is inclusive i.e. small and medium-sized companies can benefit and investors don’t have to hand-over huge sums of money at once
• More Peer to Peer Lending platforms has meant increased competition (amongst the sector as well as high street lenders). The end result is better deals if you’re an investor

Cons of Peer to Peer Lending

It’s still not recognised as a mainstream investment and borrowing tool – although every year the number of users increases substantially
• More educating the public as to the advantages of Peer to Peer Lending is certainly necessary
• It is still seen as risky – despite adhering to Financial Conduct
Authority rules and having a ‘buffer’ fund to pay investors first should a deal fall through (which is very unlikely)

Why Choose Sourced for P2P Lending?

Investing with Sourced offers:

  • Secured Property Investments: Investments are backed by property, ensuring your money is protected.
  • Attractive Returns: Earn up to 12%  pa* with a maximum loan-to-value of 70%.
  • Experienced Experts: Our team has decades of industry experience and a keen eye for quality deals.
  • Nationwide Network: With over 200 offices across the UK, face-to-face consultations are readily available.


Looking to get involved in Peer to Peer Lending? Then why not check out our own platform at Or, for more information request a call back from our investor team.

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