Make Your Pension Work Harder
You can Invest with Your SSAS Pension
Earn tax-free returns using your pension savings.
Create an account with us and then transfer your SSAS pension onto your Sourced Capital account, to invest in our peer-to-peer loans.
What is a SSAS?
Small Self Administered Scheme (SSAS)
SSAS is usually used by directors of Limited Companies for employees. SSAS offers investors great flexibility and often more independance than a SIPP. The scheme can have up to 11 members and is open to all employees and family members.
Don’t have a SSAS?
If you are interested in lending towards Sourced Capital projects via your pension, but do not have a SSAS, then we would suggest to speak with a pensions advisor who has knowledge of the peer to peer lending sector. You should:
Complete your own research on what pension options are available, and see which might suit you best (it’s worth noting that to set up the most flexible, a SSAS scheme, you will typically need to be a company owner or director)
Talk with possible providers to see if they authenticate marketplace lending and if they will verify investments with Sourced Capital. A number of pension providers will not yet have authenticated marketplace lending and therefore may not be open to verifying investments with Sourced Capital – if this is what you want to do, then it will be easier working with a provider that has already approved marketplace lending.
Sourced Capital cannot give pension advise, however we have a ‘panel of pension trustees’, see below.
Already have a SSAS? Here’s what to do next.
If you have a SSAS, we recommend that you have an initial conversation with your administrators and/or trustees to make them aware that you are interested in marketplace lending via your pension. They will let you know if this is possible, or if they require further information.
If your provider would like further information, please use the form below to get in contact with us. Please specify your pension provider and your pension type. We will then contact your administrator to talk them through the Sourced Capital pension lending process and the security measures which are taken.
If your provider verifies lending through Sourced Capital you will be able to register for your Sourced Capital Pension Account.
Key Pension Benefits
Reasons to join our community of investors.
Capital at Risk. FCA Regulated. No FSCS Protection.

Earn up to 12% pa tax-free*

All investments are secured by first legal charges

No fees to invest

Diversify and spread your risk across projects

Experienced in financial services

You know exactly how your money is being used
Plan for Your Finanical Future
If you want better returns for your pension pot, you’ll be glad to hear that you can invest it into Sourced Capital loans, which are secured against UK property with a first legal charge.
Use your pension as an investment and receive up to 12% return pa*.
Here’s what you need to do:

Complete the simple form below

Your pension provider will be contacted, then you can set up your pension wallet with us