Does Your ISA Beat Inflation
This is a must watch for sophisticated and high-net worth property investors, looking for higher returns on their investments.

With inflation soaring at 7%, you need to remember that money in cash savings will be losing value in real terms. So which ISA should you pick to try to beat the rising cost of living?

Exclusive research by Peer2Peer Finance News has revealed that IFISAs returned an average of 9.01% last year and 9.04 % in 2020. There is a wide range of IFISAs on the market, investing in business, property and consumer loans.

This webinar covers:

▪ A discussion about the current inflation

▪The 2022-2023 tax year and your new ISA allowance

▪ How the Sourced Capital IFISA works

▪ How you could earn up to 12% returns pa*

▪ Investment opportunities available now

▪ Polls for you to answer and see results

▪ And more!

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